Saturday, September 6, 2008

Impaling Palin

At the grocery just now, I admittedly lost my cool when the woman in front of me complained that the media is not being fair to Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin.

"Why do they lie about her," she asked out loud.

"First," I said, "she put herself into the national spotlight. Second, who's to say they're lying about her?"

The woman and I argued about politics (she didn't care for either party) and the media (she was reading National Enquirer while waiting to check out).

We parted on friendly terms, but the encounter prompts this piece.

Sarah Palin's nomination is supposedly targeted at disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters. If that is true, it seems rather patronizing TO THINK JUST ANY WOMAN POLITICIAN WOULD DO.

While one can applaud Sarah's decision to have her latest child, she did have the right to choose, a right she would deny other women. Further, she has joined a presidential candidate who has voiced an opinion that would deny a woman's right to choose.

Taken from his campaign website, John McCain "believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned."

Sarah ridicules Barack Obama for being a community organizer. That doesn't wash. Anthony Fossaceca at Blue Ohioan -- -- provides a fairly complete list of community organizers, including Jesus Christ (see his piece "The Fresh, New Face of Hate). I would add the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Micah, and Moses to name just a few others.

Sarah also ridicules Obama and her vice presidential counterpart Joe Biden for having no executive experience. This begs incredulity! LET'S SEE: What executive experience did Abraham Lincoln have?

Sarah seems to think that being mayor of a small town with SOME 5,000 souls (WHEN SHE WAS ITS MAYOR) and being governor (for FEWER than two years) of a state with fewer than 1 million people -- no wonder she doesn't need focus groups -- gives her a leg up in the executive experience category. One only needs to point to Obama's managing a national campaign with millions of volunteers to put the kibosh on that claim.

To put Sarah's executive experience into perspective, read Rosemary Palmer's "Palin passes the teleprompter test" at

Sarah also does a good job (or at least her handlers do) of ridiculing the media. Sorry Sarah, the media is doing its job. People have a right to know who you are. By accepting the nomination for vice president, you have no right to stop them. Indeed, the more you try to stop them, the deeper they'll dig.

The media, however, does fail to mention that a McCain/Palin victory will likely result in two or three new conservative members of the Supreme Court.

So to those disgruntled women who supported Hillary Clinton, take a closer look because (from his website) "John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench."


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